3 Important Reasons To Avoid Chewing Gum At Work

Is it acceptable to chew gum at work? It is not uncommon to encounter debates on this topic in the workplace. A lot of people agree that there is nothing inherently wrong with chewing gum, but argue that doing it while at work is bad and unprofessional, while others argue that there is nothing wrong with chewing gum at work, as long as the chewing gum etiquette is followed. This post highlights important reasons to avoid chewing gum at work, especially in customer service.

Chewing gum at your desk might not necessarily give a bad impression and it does have its merits – such as refreshing one’s breath, keeping boredom at bay and more, but there are good reasons why a lot of organizations frown at the act of chewing gum. Here are my top 3 –

#1. It Is a Distraction

In the work environment smacking and blowing gum bubbles is a distraction to others. It is not appropriate to make smacking sounds or other gross noises that disturb others. That kind of gum-chewing is no different than eating food with your mouth open.Distraction - Reasons To Avoid Chewing Gum At Work

Besides it is not an easy task to moderate how people chew their gum – in most cases, it’s far easier to discourage everyone from doing it.

#2. It Is Considered Disrespectful

Your business partners and customers will usually have high expectations and want 100% focus and commitment from the brand (and its employees). When employees who are interacting with such customers chew gum, it makes the customers wonder whether they’re really listening. It gives the impression that the employees are not focused or committed.

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For customers who have urgent requests or enquiries, employees who are chewing gum seem relaxed rather than serious, this might lead to conflict from such customers.

#3. It Can Get Messy

 Reasons To Avoid Chewing Gum At Work - MessyThe people whom you are interacting with can hear and see the gum in your mouth as you speak. They really shouldn’t have to; this is as good as talking with food in your mouth it is gross. Besides gum chewing at work can lead to a lot of stamped-in discarded gums on the carpet, under desks and walls, this can quickly become a real sticky issue for businesses and might deteriorate the ambience of the business environment.

In customer service chewing gum is a No-No, remember that employees of an organization at any time represent the brand. Chewing gum while interacting with customers is not only unprofessional but also considered rude. It portrays the brand in a negative way.

Chewing gum should be limited to private moments, or in the company of social acquaintances. Avoid chewing gum when you are at work, in a meeting or even at church. If you must chew gum at any of these places – be discreet (mouth closed, no popping, sucking or smacking)

Kelechi Okeke
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