How to Improve Customer Service With The Help Of SEO

Good customer service always goes side-by-side with search engine optimization. Those who have vast experience in the field are aware that the technical side of the business is not the only thing that matters. It hasn’t always been like that, but for the last couple of years, Google has systematically punished SEO managers who build their e-marketing strategies solely on catching search bots’ attention.

Web marketing has become more human-oriented. It is very similar to the business world where financial results alone are not enough. For modern investors to make a decision in favour of a certain company, it has to comply with labour safety regulations and limit environmental damage. Google today will favour companies more oriented towards live consumers. 

In 2021, abusing spam technologies to improve SEO no longer plays a major role in achieving other than temporary results. Ask yourself – do you really want people to associate your brand with click fraud (which has reached more than 11% of all clicks as of 2021, according to Global PPC Click Fraud Report)? Do you think this will boost their eagerness to purchase your goods or services?

It sounds hardly believable. If so, what is a progressive approach to improve SEO in 2021 with better customer service taken into consideration? There are several aspects of how to do that – some are a part of SEO, some have little in common with it, but with material influence nevertheless.

How to Boost Customer Service With Trust Signals

Today, trust almost everything. Tumultuous 2020 was a year of fundamental changes in consumer preferences.  According to the “Trust Barometer Special Report” by Edelman, the only thing that still matters more in making a purchase decision is the product’s price.

Trust is a valuable intangible asset commonly referred to as “customer relations”. It is something which can’t be simply forced onto customers, and although it is sometimes purchased for money with acquired business, even that way it has to be proved and maintained later, while in most cases it is painstakingly earned.

If it is what you already have, there are two best examples of how to demonstrate it with so-called trust signals:

  1. Logos placed on the website as an indication of a guarantee (such as money back) your company provides to its customers. Logo placement is about working on the website’s image and visual perception. It is in direct control of the website owners, thus intrinsically very close to SEO and may indirectly even lead to higher rankings.
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     Other examples of logos and other inscriptions which may be left on the website are:

  • “Est. 19XX” – the year of foundation, serving as proof of long and successful business history;
  • “Member of…” – an indication of belonging to a professional association or union;
  • Mottos (“Quality of services is what we…” and dozens of other variations).
  1. What WordStream calls “social proof”. Appealing product descriptions are worth more if accompanied by the real experience of someone who’s tried it. This may be considered as part of SEO tactics because it is about getting positive reviews from the customers, and if those are external, it almost 100% means getting highly clickable backlinks.

A known psychological phenomenon: people are more eager to complain about a negative experience rather than to leave a grateful reply on high-quality customer service or product. The latter would require visiting the same webpage again when they’ve already paid for the product.

That’s the reason why companies try to make leaving reviews as fast and easy as possible, almost begging their clients to rate the quality of already provided services. Each genuinely written positive commentary will be truly valued adding because it boosts potential customers’ confidence in your brand.

Improving Customer Service Through SEO Tactics

This raises a big question of how to make your customers signal their confidence to the ones who are jet to join them. It seems like knows a lot about making search engine optimization work for building up confidence in your clients. Here are some of the nuances of SEO experience which are the best to achieve better customer service.

Links management

“Social proof” trust signals are worth more if accompanied by backlink service links management. Otherwise, a customer review is like a signpost saying “Safe to go that way”, but with no way whatsoever.

The good news is that with genuine reviews from live people (not your employees, and not written by bots), backlink building becomes a self-sustaining process. From that, it follows that working for better customer service in 2021 will remain paramount.

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Push Notifications

Push technology is an example of SEO tactics that may boost customer service greatly by easing communications. It’s all about sending messages on current product offers, preset upon customer preferences. This means they are very likely to find a pleasant response and greatly improve CTR (clickthrough rate).

The latter is an important performance indicator for ads or keywords because it shows the percentage of people who click the ad after seeing it. For this reason customers are notified of the exact offers they are after and are subscribed to those notifications, this greatly increases their satisfaction. Push notifications illustrate one of the obvious examples of direct SEO influence on customer experience. 

Improve SEO For Better Customer Service!

With Google policies no longer tolerating automatically generated do-follow backlinks on suspicious web pages, SEO managers now focus their attention on quality. But quality is not a thing with which it is possible to act selectively. How can you keep your jacket and trousers clear, at the same time having dirty spots on the shirt sleeves and still thinking that the whole suit is flawless?

Harnessing the trust of your potential clients is like adding a new dimension to search engine optimization because it is about taking the second party’s view into calculation. An equation of how many variables better describe reality is a rhetorical question.

Keep in mind, though, the reciprocal nature of it: with SEO, you improve customer service and build trust which acts as a manifestation of it. At the same time, the trust of clients now affects search engine optimization policies.   


Frank Hamilton