How Blending Brand and Culture Can Impact The Customer Experience – Justin Osborne

If there is only one thing modern businesses should pay attention to, it would certainly be customer experience. Consumers are spoiled and highly demanding, which turned customer experience into the most important battlefield of the business world. Tons of studies proved it already:

Now, the real question is how to improve your service and increase customer satisfaction long-term. It’s not an easy riddle, but the simplest answer is that you need to blend brand and culture in order to enhance user experience. This article will show you how to do it most effectively.

Purpose, Promise, Values: The Pillars of Customer Experience

A business trying to improve customer experience must be aware of the three pillar concepts in this area: purpose, promise, and values. Each of these features is equally important for the overall success of your customer service strategy.

The purpose of your brand is easy to define – it represents an essence of your company that goes beyond simple revenue generation. It’s a vision that makes your brand different than any other, which is important both for your customers and your employees.

For instance, an assignment writing service such as Grade Miners must be aware of brand purpose because it’s the only way to explain it to their customers. On the other hand, students as their clients have to know what to expect from this agency and believe its professional authority.

The second pillar of corporate culture is a brand promise. What is it that you are offering to your clients? If you are promising flawless execution only, then you are no different than any other brand out there. It takes a lot more to convince today’s consumers to trust you.

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Going back to the assignment writing business, a good promise would surely be to point out hassle-free ordering procedures and 100% discretion. Such a marketing tactic is perfectly aligned with brand purpose, which means it gives the audience exactly what they are looking for.

Values make the third pillar of customer experience. According to the study, more than 60% of consumers say that shared values are the main reason that they have a trusted relationship with a brand. In other words, your employees and marketing messages have to rely on features that you know the target audience is going to appreciate.

Five Ways to Boost Customer Experience with Brand Culture

Knowing the pillars of corporate culture and customer experience is one thing, but building and/or upgrading them is something completely different. Although it’s a long and complex process, it can be divided into five main phases.

#1. Create a caring culture

If you want to enhance customer experience, you need to create and promote a caring culture. This goes both ways because you need to treat consumers and employees with all due attention. It’s the only way to form a team of friendly and professional customer service agents.

#2. Keep it natural

Customer service forces you to come up with a good strategy, but it doesn’t mean you should do everything by the script. Instead, you should authorize employees to behave more naturally and assess whether it’s the right moment to improvise or to play by the book.

#3. Send a powerful message

Brand messaging is yet another aspect of the business you need to take care of. Jake Gardner, a marketing manager at Superior Paper, says corporate messages should target consumers, employees, and young talents looking for a job:

“You have to tell them that you really care and promise immaculate treatment in every situation.”

#4. Be careful with automation

While it is true that modern businesses can hardly function without automation platforms, you do need to be careful with it. Try to promote interpersonal communication and promote face-to-face interactions. After all, consumers can establish a closer relationship with the brand only if they see and hear people working for your company.

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#5. Combine HR and Marketing

The last suggestion is to mix HR and marketing in order to maximize the impact of brand culture. That way, the entire company becomes customer-centric and enables you to execute the branding strategy successfully and consistently.


Customer service has evolved drastically over the last couple of decades and now consumers consider it to be the most important purchasing factor. It’s not, however, too big a surprise given the fact that customers can choose between hundreds of more or less similar brands in almost every niche.

If you want to outperform business rivals and stay competitive in the long run, you need to learn how blending brand and culture can impact the customer experience. In this post, we showed you how to do it most effectively, so now it’s your turn to give it a try and take customer service to the whole new level!

Justin Osborne