Helping Your Customers Make The Right Decision Every Single Time

On average, you make 35,000 decisions a day- vanilla or chocolate, staying up or sleeping in, to call or to text, to be or not to be…Your life is filled with series of decisions that you take without even thinking about it.

However, all of this changes when you speak to your customer. Unlike the abundance of small decisions you make every day, your customer’s decisions need a great deal of thought.

Assisting your customer to the right decision is important in ensuring positive customer experience and in increasing loyalty and trust that builds their relationship with you. While it may be easy to achieve accuracy in the decision-making game of life, making the right decision every single time in customer services is often considered a herculean task.

This article highlights four simple ways to bring your customer one step closer to making the best of decisions all the time.

#1. Invest in knowledge base software

In a world of increasingly precise problems and difficult decisions, the assistance that a knowledge base software can provide truly reigns supreme. Not only does this provide your customer with direct access to solutions, but it also does so in a much faster and efficient manner.

With solutions explained in different modules and no more interception of call centre executives, customers now have access to a range of easily comprehensible options that almost always show them the path to the right decision.

#2. Build a decision tree module for your solutions

The decision tree has gained popularity in recent times and with good reason! With its clearly defined pathways, a wide range of customisable solutions and defined problem statements and solutions, this resilient module is touted to be the future of decision making.

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Make sure your business includes as many solutions as possible so that you build as many customer scenarios as possible. This helps in simulating a physical world customer service experience on a digital platform, creating personalised decision making structures through websites, chatbots and mobile applications.

#3. Old school answers can solve even the most novel riddles

With all this talk about advances in software and knowledge management platforms and modules, it is easy to overlook one of the classic forms of digital knowledge distribution- the FAQs.

Recent research has shown that more than 60% of customers look for a self-serve page with all of their questions answered.

The Frequently Answered Questions or FAQ section of the website does exactly this. While it is tempting to neglect to update the section of your website due to intensive knowledge and content needs, it works wonders in improving the customer experience and in turn, customer satisfaction.

With all possible problems and all possible solutions listed on a single page, with details to all these individual problems explained, an effective FAQ page will help your customer navigate his way to the right decision while simultaneously saving you a fortune on customer care executive training and call charges. This truly is a one-stop classic solution for a number of issues.

#4. Understandable decisions are preferred decisions

Jerome Bruner, a renowned psychologist, reveals that people remember 80% of what they see, 20% of what they read and only 10% of what they hear. If you want your customers to make informed decisions, make sure you provide knowledge to them in the most understandable form – visuals.

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Use visual guides loaded with pictures and graphics to explain solutions to your clients. This helps them understand the message better and increases the probability of them finding the right solution for themselves.

Moreover, with the advent of new technologies like augmented and virtual reality, the screen is no longer a barrier to get your message across in the most salient manner. The clearer your message is, the clearer the right decision will be to your customer.

At the end of the day, as a customer executive, you must also rely on your training and learning management systems to ensure that your customer gets the most out of their choices.

Keep yourself updated on the latest solutions, ensure that you give your customer an honest review of all the options available, and trust that you and your customer together will make the right decision. Make the 35001st decision of your day count!

Pratik Salia