Getting a Banking Experience at Your Local Bar?


Suppose you walked into your favorite bar on Friday, and notice new chairs, tables, security and a queue guide (that’s right, a queue guide). After you’ve spent a few minutes on the queue, it’s finally your turn to order your drinks! but there’s something not right about the type of service you’re getting on this day.

It almost feels like you’re in a banking hall, you are being asked to fill a form to place your order. At this point you ask the guy standing beside you for the name of the bar, just to be sure you’ve not walked into the wrong building.

That’s exactly what happened to customers of a London pub ‘The Three Compasses’ in this prank video set up by Tandem bank. They rigged the pub (in Hornsey, North London) with hidden cameras and replaced the regular bar staff with actors who were only allowed to interact with customers by using a set, corporate script.

I find this interesting because even though the actors were polite, and smiled to the customers, their experience was negative because of an ‘experience mismatch’. The service customers received at the pub, did not match their expectations of what service in bar should be.

It definitely won’t feel right getting such a formal, curt treatment from my local bar, but it would be great to walk into a bank branch and be blown away by an innovative method of service delivery.

In the end, the Banks’ who adopt a customer-focused culture are better positioned to be at the helm of any disruptive service innovation which might hit the financial services sector in no distant time.

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What about you? I’d love to read what new methods you’d love for your bank to interact with or offer service to you?

Kelechi Okeke