Five Important Things You Should Know About Millennials

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You must have probably come across the word ‘millennial’ or ‘Gen Y’ (Generation Y) at one point or the other. But who or what exactly does that refer to?

The millennials are one of the largest generations in history – they are people born between the year 1980 – 2000. (Currently between 16 – 36 years old). They have been attributed with the traits of confidence and tolerance and a dependence on technology.
Having grown up in times of rapid change, both in technology and society, millennials have a different worldview, priorities and expectations which differ greatly from that of previous generations.

As they move into their prime spending years, it is important that every forward thinking organization has good knowledge of the answers to these 3 questions:

  • Who are millennials?
  • What are their needs and preferences?
  • What are their expectation of my business?

The infographic below (courtesy of Nanorep) answers these questions and highlights 5 important things you should know about them.

Businesses must have good knowledge of their customer needs and preferences, in order to really achieve the enviable levels of customer satisfaction that comes with personalization
In this social media age, platforms like Facebook, Google and even twitter are making certain levels of personalization achievable that was previously not possible. This is why having a good social media presence is important for your business.


Kelechi Okeke
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