Don’t Just Satisfy Your Customers. Serve To WOW Them

You are all about your customer service. You efficiently processed customer transactions from the front desk, cashiers’ station, or call centre. You are happy because customers leave satisfied. But that’s not good enough.

Customers pay for their experience, not your service or product. Satisfied customers feel their experience is good, not better, just average. Nobody raves about average. And satisfied customers won’t return when they find an experience better or less expensive. So don’t just satisfy your customers. Don’t treat them as YOU expect to be treated. And don’t treat them as they expect to be treated.

Do more than satisfy your customers. Serve to WOW them, and here are some reasons why:

  • Customer Loyalty:

When a customer feels appreciated and valued, they continue to do business with that company. By WOWING customers, businesses can increase customer loyalty and reduce customer churn.

  • Positive Word of Mouth:

Loyal customers share their positive experiences with others. When a business WOWS its customers, it creates a buzz that can lead to positive word-of-mouth advertising and attract new customers.

  • Competitive Advantage:

In a competitive market, businesses that offer exceptional service and value have an edge over their competitors. WOWED customers can help a business stand out and create a unique selling point.

  • Increased Revenue:

Loyal customers spend more money and make repeat purchases. By WOWING customers, businesses can increase revenue and profitability.

  • Improved Brand Image:

When a business goes above and beyond to WOW its customers, it can create a positive brand image. This can lead to increased trust, respect, and credibility in the marketplace.

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Customers buy with emotion and justify their decision with reason. They seek the best emotional value for their experience, not your logically reasonable best price, product, or service. When it comes to customers and customer experience, the best value for your customer is in their personal interactions with you, not your ”cash or credit” transactions with them.

You may be a B2B or B2C company. But your customers don’t seek B2B or B2C companies. They engage companies that are H2H. Human to Human. One to One. Heart to Heart. Think RELATIONSHIPS or Go Broke. Literally.

Whether you are a B2B or B2C company, customers don’t care how big your company is. They only care about how big you care about them. So CARE.

  • Communicate with each customer with a smile, eye contact, and polite interaction. Inform each customer transparently and interactively of the product’s or service’s function, liabilities, and advantages.
  • Acknowledge each customer’s presence and value to you and your business.
  • Respond empathetically to each customer’s questions, concerns, and complaints.
  • Enrich the experiences of every customer.

And CARE BIG. Be Magnificently Boring to CARE. Consistently CARE so repetitively that you feel it is boring, but to customers, at every moment, you are Magnificent! Customers have an emotional connection with you.

The more emotional the connections, the more memorable the experiences, and the more loyal the customers are. Loyal customers return again and again, raving to others along the way.

Consistency builds trust. Trust builds loyalty. Loyalty builds your business. CARE BIG Magnificently! English writer Samuel Johnson said,

“People need to be reminded more than they need to be instructed”

So I encourage you, as you prepare your team to engage customers, to say, “Let’s serve to WOW our customers. Let’s CARE BIG Magnificently! And Let’s be GREAT out there!”

Bill Quiseng
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