Do Not Make Your Customers This Frustrated!

I recently stumbled upon this call center recording between a really frustrated customer & an agent. This is a good example of an organization literally driving their customer nuts!

You don’t want to be customers with an organization like this, listen to the call below.

Would this customer come back for business? 

Would he tell people about his experience?

Mitchell gave the customer wrong information and also failed to communicate to the ‘Tech department’ of an incoming call from a customer. This mistake seems innocent, but it has caused the customer a lot of pain; from the time wasted to the emotional upset to disappointment and sheer frustration, and to make it worse the agents were unable to solve the problem (nobody seemed to know who Mitchell really is!).

You can feel the frustration of this customer and I can bet you’d want no business with that company. No customer should have to go through this sort of experience, and on the other hand, no organization sets out to give its customers such an experience. If I could advise such a business, I would recommend –

  • They invest resources in up-to-date contact center software – That customer had given the agents his phone number so many times and repeated the same story over and over again with no results.
  • The company also needs to realign its current culture to a more customer focused alternative. No one really tried to help the customer (some agents put him on hold and prayed that he goes away), even Mitchell obviously didn’t think much of the customer when she made herself unreachable. The company needs to start the journey to customer orientation.
See also  Top 10 Knowledge Management Tools For Your Customer Support Team

I don’t how many customers Mitchell had given similar instructions, but one thing is sure –  Mitchell has driven away a customer.

I would love to hear your thoughts on this? What do you think the company could have done better?

Kelechi Okeke