7 Ways To Give Your Users A Seamless Customer Experience – Joel Syder

In the competitive world of modern business, user experience is king. In fact, customers will quite often give more importance to their experience over price. So what does that tell you? That providing a seamless customer experience should be one of the priorities of your business approach.

Here’s how you can achieve it:

#1. Have A Customer Experience Mission Statement

This is a simple point, but creating a mission statement which is then disseminated and understood by every member of staff is a great start when it comes to providing seamless customer experience. What are your objectives, how will you put the customer first. This is the basis of the ethos that you wish your business to operate by.

#2. Put The Customer At The Center Of What You Do

The customer should never be an afterthought. Your customer’s requirements and needs should be at the core of everything that your business does, so always work in this way, thinking first and foremost of your customers rather than what you perceive the business needs. That is the same with your marketing approach: it should be about how to engage with your target audience.

Putting customer first

The fact is, users, understand when they have been put first, and understand very well when they have not. If you value what your customers think and say about you, and want to build repeat business, it is essential that you are recognized as a business that has a customer focus, which means everything from great customer service, to doing everything possible to fix things if and when they don’t work out (which happens).

#3. Don’t Make Promises You Can’t Keep

It is imperative that you deliver on your promises, every single time. A broken promise cannot be recovered from, so just don’t do it. What kind of promises can you make?

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Well, you can promise to always put the customer first, and work to this end, but you may not be able to promise that you always deliver the best price, because there is always someone somewhere who may undercut you.

Be realistic in what you promise: customers are experts at spotting an empty promise from a mile away,” says Russell Gomes, a marketing analyst at Write My X and Brit Student.

#4. Deliver With Consistency

One central aspect of good customer experience is being consistent in how you deliver. What customers want to see is an approach that they can become familiar with and rely upon.

No one likes surprises when it comes to business, and so prevent these from occurring by having a well-defined and trained approach to delivering on customer experience. That means defining roles and responsibilities from the very beginning, and training staff to work to that end, with a series of checks in place which prevents anything falling between the cracks.

#5. Regularly Audit Your Customer Service Experience

The secret shopper approach is a popular means of gathering valuable feedback on customer experience, and is employed by hotels and restaurants around the world. It’s a tried-and-tested approach, but is by no means the only one when it comes to auditing your customer experience.

Regularly auditing and testing ensures that the systems you have put in place are working as seamlessly as possible, and tweaks can be made where necessary. Once again, this is all about having the commitment to deliver fantastic customer service.

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#6. Invest In Your Staff

This point has already been touched upon in the form of training, which is certainly an essential ingredient for delivering great customer experience. However, it is certainly not the only element.

“Training is not the only aspect here, as fair remuneration to your staff, and empowering them with responsibility will also assist greatly in building a wonderful experience for your users and customers. A staff member who feels valued, rewarded and motivated is much more likely to deliver the levels of customer service that you desire,” says Antoinette Simpson (UI designer at 1 Day 2 write and Next Coursework).

#7. Take Responsibility

Individual staff members should be encouraged to problem solve and take responsibility for the needs of the customer. Passing on responsibility is one of the greatest frustrations felt within the realms of customer experience, and smacks of an organization that has not placed the customer at the center of activities.

Staff who seek to find solutions are staff who impress upon customers that their needs are being assessed and respected, and this is an essential ingredient for any self-respecting business who truly values its customer base.

Joel Syder