7 Content Marketing Hacks To Drive A Better Customer Experience

Creating the best customer experience is one of the most important things first-time entrepreneurs should learn. There are many factors influencing customer experience, but content marketing is by far one of the few most impactful ones. Here are seven content marketing hacks to drive a better customer experience.

#1 Craft Headlines That Capture Attention

Great headlines do not just capture the attention of your target audience but also reflect what your article is about getting its essence. Crafting good headlines is essential for finding your readers and meeting their expectations: if your headline corresponds to your article, then your audience will get what they expect based on the headline.

To create a compelling headline that will make your audience want to read your article, you need to think about what exactly your article discusses. Once you know that, try to put it into words logically and make the headline short and simple. Also, try to use some of your target keywords in the headline.

#2 Start Creating More Video Content

Video content is on the rise and will remain do for quite some time. This is why creating more video content will let you reach a bigger audience, but videos have many other benefits to them including the potential to go viral, the ability to be shared easily, the ability to communicate more information in shorter periods of time, and so on.

Creating videos is not an easy task, but there are some steps you should take to build a good video marketing strategy: determine your video format, make a list of topics you want to cover, get all the necessary equipment and programs, write scripts for your videos, get a narrator to record their lines, shoot the videos, edit them, and publish.

#3 Actively Engage Your Audience

Actively engaging your audience will not only improve customer experience but will also increase your engagement levels which is both great for your brand and for your SEO performance (e.g. more comments will signal to search engines to rank your website higher will interactions with your audience will create a “friendly brand” reputation for you).

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To engage your audience, you can start hosting contests and giveaways where your potential customers or customers need to follow you on social media and share your content. You can also ask for the opinion of your readers about various things which will give you comments that you can reply to and interact with even more.

#4 Write In-Depth Articles

Writing in-depth articles is much better than creating empty content pieces both for your customer experience and for your SEO performance. If your content is helpful and valuable, there are more chances that your audience will share it or interact with it in some way. They will also probably come back for more valuable content in the future.

For creating high-quality pieces such as articles or blog posts, you can either get an in-house writer or work with freelancers. Some review sites or translation services like Online Writers Rating can help you find writers who can create high-quality content while also having reasonable and fair prices.

#5 Give Away Free Content

Everyone loves free content, especially if it is helpful and useful in some way. And while articles and blog posts (and even videos) are great, e-books and long-form guides in PDF form can attract more attention to your website and your brand. It’s not easy to understand the logic of free content, but it is crucial for your customer experience.

For example, imagine a situation when you want to increase your mail list to send out newsletters regularly. To get people to subscribe to your newsletter, you could offer a free e-book with relevant information that you will send out to anyone who subscribes to your mail list. If the e-book is good, there is a fair chance that people won’t unsubscribe after getting it.

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#6 Experiment with Formats

Experimenting with formats will give your website or blog enough variety to attract more attention to your business. Articles, videos, even e-books – all of this is great, but adding something else to this will expand your audience even more.

For example, podcasts are gaining popularity nowadays because audio content is easier to consume than videos or articles. People usually just turn on the podcast while doing something else, but videos and written pieces require more attention.

#7 Consider Creating Viral Content

Last but not least, creating viral content can really up your game and help you get onto the big scene. It might be a dirty move in some way, but who wouldn’t want to have their content go viral and reach many people from all over the world?

There is no one way to create viral content, so you will need to experiment again and again until you find something that works. Look at past examples of brand content gone viral and try to figure out what was great there – then, use it in your own content.

Final Thoughts

To sum up, it is possible to improve your customer experience with the help of content marketing hacks outlined in this article as long as you stay true to your aim and get invested enough to achieve it.

Frank Hamilton