5 Actions that can improve the customer service experience

Having positive interactions with your customer is something that benefits all parties involved. Do we as the service provider get it right with the customer all the time? No. There are some missteps along the way. When you have these missteps how you recover is what’s important. Customers can be forgiving when errors occur. However, how you respond to them can make the difference in having a repeat customer or a lost customer.

I’ll give you 5 actions that can help boost the customer service experience. For a successful outcome, you must be sincere, intentional and willing to practice them consistently.

#1. Empathy

Showing kindness and understanding when engaging with your customer is a big part of relating to them. When you are empathic it shows the customer you care and you share in what they are feeling. If you are honestly showing empathy, it says something about you as well. It demonstrates a willingness to put yourself in the customer’s shoes.

#2. Smile

A smile can generate positive results with your customer. It’s an inviting greeting that says “I am here to help and you’ll be taken care of.” The smile is comforting and offers a reassuring feeling that “I’m in good hands.” Smiles are seen and felt. Try it!

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With the onset of Covid-19, the next time you pass a person with a mask on, smile at them. Even through your mask, you can see the expression with their mask on. I’ve tried it.

Here are a few of the top reasons to smile:

  • Smiling makes us attractive
  • Smiling relieves stress
  • Smiling elevates our mood
  • Smiling helps you stay positive
  • Smiling lowers your blood pressure

Perhaps the best reason of all is that your customer will appreciate the kind gesture.

#3. Sincerely Relating

Relating to your customer ensures that you are able to understand the real concerns your customer has. The Google definition of relate is: Make or show a connection between. When you are sincerely relating to your customer you are on the right track for building relationships. 

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(Isn’t relationship building a key foundation for long term customer success?)  If you are not relating to your customer in a way that keeps them engaged, you run the risk of losing that relationship and all that goes along with it. (i.e. repeat business, referrals, positive ratings, etc.). Here is a stat for you to ponder.

47% of customers say they’ll stop buying from a company if they have a subpar experience. The same study reveals that 76% of customers now say it’s easier than ever to take their business elsewhere.

#4. Eye Contact

Making eye contact shows you are paying attention, that you are present in the moment, and that you are ready to hear.  Conversely, no eye contact with your customer could suggest you are uninterested in their concerns.

It sends a message that you have something more important that is occupying your thoughts. Keep your customer engaged by meeting their eyes with yours it will show them that you are ready to embrace what they have to say.

Eye contact is a type of body language that is extremely important during communication and conversation. Sometimes, our eyes and body language speak even more than words. Keeping eye contact with the person you are talking to shows that you are actively listening and paying attention.

#5. Positive Mindset

Having a positive mindset when interacting with your customer can make all the difference between whether they become a repeat customer or a former customer.

Take the opportunity when there are negatives that crop up during the customer experience (and there will be) to turn them into positives. Here are a couple of examples where you could generate a positive response

Customer:  Your store is always out of strawberries.
Positive response: I’m sorry we did not have them here for you. They are a big seller. We get our shipment in on Tuesdays, let me take your number and I’ll call you when they are in. I’ll have some waiting at the front counter with your name on them.

Customer: I can never get through on your service line.
Positive response: I apologize for this inconvenience. The next time you call in if you select option 5. Our system will record your number and call you back. You will not lose your place in the call queue.

In closing, come up with a mantra that will help you improve the customer service experience and practice it every day. The key to any successful customer service experience is to believe in what you are doing for the customer. This is also true in life when you are trying to accomplish any goal!

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Remember, as you engage with your customers you want to provide an interaction where the customer is going to be fulfilled, valued and cared for. This will truly benefit you as the service provider and your customer is likely to share a positive experience with others.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post. If you have found the information helpful or relevant to your customer service journey please share.

David Beaumont