4 Examples of Good Customer Service [Infographic]

We’ve all heard those cringe-worthy stories of awful customer service. Sometimes they’re a good example of one employee who didn’t do the right thing, no matter how many chances they were given. Sometimes they’re a good example of a company that just does the wrong thing, again and again, which points to a lack of a strong customer service culture. And in fact, there are industries that are notorious for doing things badly when it comes to making it right with customers, such as rental car companies and airlines.

But for every bad story that we all share, there are countless good stories that don’t get shared and countless companies that do things right, all the time, with their customers. They pick up the slack, they help provide solutions, and they make people loyal by their attitude and actions. This infographic highlights some cool examples of  good customer service by brands

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4 Genuine Examples of Good Customer Service

Image: Salesforce

What do companies in these examples have in common? Commitment to customer centricity. These brands have a customer-focused culture at their very core which guides everyone from the CEO to the call-centre employees. Apple has an almost scientific method of recruiting the right employees who truly care about the company, the products, and the customers.
Spotify injects fun into the customer experience by keeping customer’s engaged and making the service personalized.  

These companies prove that customer service has gone beyond being just another department, to becoming a very critical component in the relationship between a brand and its customers. Businesses that build a solid customer service culture are likely to become benchmark brands in their market – Brands that customers use as a reference to describe positive service experiences.

Kelechi Okeke
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