4 Best Ways to Maximize Your Remote Work Productivity During Quarantine

So, it’s the spring of 2020, and billions of people got stuck at home. Schools are closed, campuses of colleges and universities remain empty. No more office talks and coffee breaks. It seems like the world has switched to a remote mode. If you are one of those arguably lucky ones who are called freelancers, such a shift must not have hurt you very much or changed a lot in your pace of life.

This applies to many people nowadays – from designers who work from project to project to professional essay writers from essaypro and specialists from thousands of other digital services. Yet, if you are used to office hours, these past weeks must feel very different.

There are lots of articles on the web dedicated to platforms and software that can help any brick-and-mortar businesses transform quickly. Most likely, everything is already arranged in this regard. Your workflow is already smooth, the tasks are coming, and online meetings are in your calendar.

It’s time to address another issue that must have occurred if you are reading this article. The problem is simple – how to stay productive while working remotely.

Keep reading to get to know some tips and tricks on how to stay sane and be your best working self.

#1. You Definitely Need a Routine

Don’t be scared of the word ‘routine.’ Sticking to the same working hours each weekday will help you remain focused. Plan your day and go in as many details as possible. Start your work when you feel the most productive. Better not oversleep, however tempting this may sound now that you are working from the comfort of your home.

Also, try not to overwork. Better not let your professional life blend with everything else. Plan the coffee breaks, time to prepare (or order), and share your meals with loved ones.

Dedicating some hour or two during a day for a quality me-time is also crucial. Thus, don’t skip this part while establishing a routine.

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#2. Arrange Your Workplace

Whether you are working or studying, dedicate some space at home and designate it as a working or learning zone only. This better not be your bedroom.

Keep your workplace in order at all times. Have a cup of tea or coffee close and let those you live with know one thing. Once you are in the “zone,” it’s time for business.

#3. Keep in Touch with Colleagues

One thing that drives many people nuts is definitely a forced social distancing. To stay sane and keep your spirits up, it is especially important to simply keep communicating.

Whether you are an introvert or an extravert, we all need some good talk from time to time. That’s why you should always keep in touch with your co-workers.

Most likely, some of them are нщгк friends, and there is no better way to deal with any situation than a good joke with pals. Even if it is the one told not in person but online.

#4. Some More Apps

Most likely, you already have some dozens of apps downloaded on your devices. These might be some task managers like Trello or Asana. You also need some software to keep continuous communication with colleagues.

While all of this is helpful, there might also be the need for a whole new range of apps. The case is point are those that will help you stay productive during the day. Think about checking up some of the following options:

  • Pomodoro Tracker. This app is designed to help you refresh and not overwork, getting lost in all the tasks. The technique is simple. You set the timer for some 15, 25, or more minutes, and once they are over, it’s time for a short break. This is when you can finally check your social media feed or boil some more water for yet another cup of tea
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  • Though at first this app might sound like just another one in your ‘Business’ folder, give it a try. 24me is a great assistant that will help you never lose track of any little task or important meeting. Available for iOS, it easily syncs with every other software you have – from task manager to calendar and Siri
  • Life is not about work only. And the times like these offer not only challenges but also great opportunities. If you install Calm or any other app for meditation, you will have time to focus not only on what needs to be done but also on the moment you are living right now. With not long sessions that last from 3 to 25 minutes, this app will only help you beat anxiety and deal with a stressful day.

Wrapping Up

Working remotely can be your usual way of doing business. Or you might have found yourself in such circumstances just a few weeks ago. Either way, it is always important to stay productive wherever you are working from.

Hopefully, the tips from this article will help you on this road. Download some (more) apps, arrange your workplace, and stick to a routine. These simple moves will help you be great at your job, and who knows, maybe you’ll even enjoy working remotely!

Jenine Wing