11 Costly Customer Survey Mistakes You Should Avoid [Infographic]

Customer Survey MistakesKnowing what the customer wants and how they think about a brand or its products has become increasingly necessary in business and surveys are a popular and effective way of getting the information required. Designing a survey involves much more than just choosing the questions to ask, care must be taken to avoid customer survey mistakes that occur during development. 

Failing to do this will make analysis and reporting either difficult or impossible. There are multiple factors that influence survey success and they should be taken into consideration. The infographic below highlights 11 Costly Customer Survey Mistakes you must avoid and also some factors to consider in designing your survey.

Costly survey mistakes

Avoid these mistakes and you will be able to create surveys which produce meaningful & reliable data that can be used to drive meaningful changes & decisions in your organization.

Update: It is important also, to convince the respondents that their feedback will be acted upon. This is a great way to cripple survey fatigue. The respondents will put in extra effort to conclude the survey if they believe their feedback will make a difference – this also ensures that the survey yields positive results that benefit both the customers and the organization. 

Kelechi Okeke
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