106 Fascinating Voice Search Facts & Stats [Infographic]

From the moment personal computers became available, people had the desire to talk to them. This desire was made even more popular by Hollywood Sci-fi movies many of which had computers that could hold conversations with people and carry out voice commands.

A few decades ago this idea seemed very futuristic, but that future is already here! It is becoming increasingly normal to overhear people speaking into devices in the public these days. Since voice is faster and more convenient than typing, it is inevitable that in a few years more customers will expect brands to provide support services backed by voice-enabled technology.

Man using voice assistant

With the advancements that have been recorded in Artificial Intelligence & Natural Language Processing, the complexity and accuracy of voice recognition technology and voice assistant software have grown exponentially in the last few years.  

Read: How Artificial Intelligence In Banking Can Improve CX

Voice assistant products from brands like Apple, Amazon, Google, and Microsoft allow users to ask questions and issue commands to devices in natural language. Voice can significantly improve customer experience as it has the potential to become the customer communication channel with the least amount of friction if implemented correctly.

This detailed infographic by the SEO Tribunal team provides key insights and facts you need to know about voice search, what you can do with it and what people are searching for and more!

Some companies are already leaping ahead of their competitors by embedding voice technology into their customer service applications, aiming to increase customer statisfaction, employee engagement and customer loyalty

Are you planning to implement voice in your CX strategy in 2019? Share your response in the comments!

Kelechi Okeke
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