How to Reassess Your Insurance Agency’s Customer Service

Your insurance agency should have the best customer service possible. If you happen to be a customer service pro, your agency probably isn’t doing as well as you’d like. But how can you improve yours?

The first step is to acknowledge any problems you may have. If you’re having problems with your insurance agency, you may want to reevaluate your company’s customer service. But how can you do that? Read on to find out.

#1. Ask for Customer Feedback

There are many ways to ask for customer feedback. One of the most effective ways to get feedback from your customers is to ask for it. When you ask for feedback, you’ll receive exactly what you request.

You may even receive some criticism for doing so, but it’s a great way to receive honest and helpful feedback. When you receive feedback, don’t just keep it in a file drawer. Ask your customers to send you their feedback regularly so that you can review it and use it to your advantage.

#2. Take the Time to Delegate

If you’re the manager or owner of an insurance agency, you should be leading by example. If you’re spending most of your time dealing with customers, then they will likely follow in your footsteps.

When your staff feels comfortable giving you feedback, then you’ll probably see a change in your agency’s customer service. Your employees should feel free to communicate with customers in any way they see fit.

You shouldn’t be afraid to ask an employee to hold a phone for you so that you can finish a long-distance call. Your employees should feel comfortable communicating with you in any way they see fit.

#3. Offer the Right Tools

Although you may have an abundance of tools in your office or sales office, your agency may have a small group of dedicated Excel and Office users. If you’re only offering basic tools like computers and smartphones, your team may be underutilizing their abilities.

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If you want to get the most out of your employees, you need to give them the right tools for the job. When it comes to customer service, your toolbox should include ways to respond to customer service requests and issue replacement parts.

There should also be ways to track issues, preventative maintenance, and how long a cost is for repairs. If your team is underutilizing their abilities, it may be because they don’t have the right tools to use. Take the time to get your team up to speed with the latest software and hardware.

For example, an online tool you can consider is the final expense quote tool from Best Plan Pro. This would be a great way to have your entire team working on the same platform and keeping all of your data and analytics in one place.

#4. Give Room for Customization

Customization is what makes insurance agencies successful. If you’re stuck with a certain type of insurance coverage or have a set of rules for accepting a claim, then you’re not able to provide the best possible service.

If you want to provide better customer service, you need to be flexible. You should be willing to offer a replacement part that’s a little different from the norm or offer a special discounted rate to someone who can provide proof of insurance coverage.

If you’re not willing to bend the rules or make room for customization, you’re unlikely to gain any new customers. But you’re also unlikely to get the feedback you want either way.

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#5. Create a Connection With Your Clients

If you have a great relationship with your current clients, you’ll likely be able to build even more loyalty by developing a connection with new clients as well. A great way to start this process is by taking the time to speak with new customers about why they choose to shop with you in the first place.

Find out what brought them to your agency in the first place, and try to use that information in your new client communications. You can also reach out to current clients to see if they want to become new clients.

This way, you’ll have early feedback from previous customers who might be able to give you some insight into what their problems were and how you can help them out.

Wrapping Up

Customers want reliable and helpful insurance coverage. That’s why it’s important to provide them with excellent customer service. There are many ways to do this, and you can use the information provided here to help your team.

Samantha Higgins