5 Practical Ways to Improve Your Health at Work – Melisa Marzett

For you to have joy and satisfaction in your career, and not disease and fatigue, it is necessary to know how to properly organize your workplace, as well as yourself. Most customer service reps, especially those who work in call centres spend most of their day sitting down, with little or no physical movement. It turns out that a quiet sedentary work in a cosy office is capable of inflicting harm to our bodies in a manner no less (and sometimes even more) than heavy physical labour.

In this post, we explore 5 practical ways to Improve your health at work and considerably reduce the ill-effects of sedentary work.

#1. Reduce the negative impact on your body

Let’s start with computers, as much as possible avoid sitting sit right in front of a screen with your back straight for the whole working day. Not only the eyes will suffer from the computer, but other organs as well. For example; It could lead to hypodynamia, blood stagnation in the lower body, the threat of gynaecological ailments and respiratory problems as the air around working computers becomes hot & dry. Fortunately, it is not difficult to reduce potential harm.

#2. Reduce tension on the eyes

Eye Strain - Ways to Improve Your Health at WorkYour monitor should be moved at least 50-60 cm away from the face, and the centre of the screen should be placed opposite the eyes. If your monitor and your eyes are not lined up it is bad not only for the eyes but for the spine.

Your work table should be positioned sideways if it is next to a window. Placing a workstation opposite the window creates a glare on the monitor, impairing sight. The causes the user to strain to see clearly and this puts stress on the eyes. 

Avoid multicolour on the screen (use no more than three colours). More comfortable for eyes are bluish-grey or greenish-yellow backgrounds of the screen.

After every hour of work at the computer, make five-minute breaks for gymnastics for the eyes (squint, blink, rotate eyes, move your sight from the tip of the nose to any distant object outside the window).

If there’s a regularly occurring sensation of sand in the eyes (known as dry eye syndrome) you should seek help from an ophthalmologist. The doctor will write out special drops that will imitate a natural tear.

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#3. Clean your space

Harmful dust will not settle in your lungs if you wipe the monitor with a special napkin for cleaning computers (or slightly moistened cloth or sponge) before and after work.

Remember that regular wet cleaning of the workplace prevents the buildup of the potential of the electrostatic field, and static electricity does not benefit health. You will need to wipe not only the computer itself but also the keyboard – a breeding ground for microbes. In addition, do not forget to wash your hands with soap after working on the computer. Especially if you’re going to have a snack.

Having an aquarium will help to increase the humidity around your workspace. If you do not like fish – put a vase of water on the desktop or use several plants – all these are good means of combating dry air and static electricity. Moreover, do not forget to ventilate the room as often as possible.

#4. Do Not Strain The Body

The musculoskeletal system suffers most from sedentary work, after all, hypodynamia is a leading cause of premature ageing in the spine. To delay the development of osteochondrosis, or at least protect yourself from its complications, ask the bosses to install the right furniture in the office (special computer chairs with an anatomical back), master the right posture during work and defend your right to periodic physical workouts.

Bad posture - Ways to Improve Your Health at WorkMost people sit at work like this: the shoulders are slightly raised, the head is pushed forward or turned to the side. At the same time, the neck is tightened and the occipital muscles are strained. If you stay in this position for a long time, there will be stagnation in the vertebral arteries, which threatens to damage the blood supply to the brain. This causes headaches, fatigue and poor memory. In addition, it threatens with hypertension and apoplexy.

Therefore, whenever possible, change the pose more often while sitting, and try to strain your muscles less. If you feel that you are tense, shrug your shoulders, shake your hands and feet. If you can not afford a full workout at work, then at least get up from the table, stretch, raising your hands up. Nevertheless, it is better to leave the workplace every two hours of continuous work for 15-20 minutes (a break for 5 minutes – every hour would be perfect). It is possible at this time to walk along the corridor back and forth.

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A useful exercise for the swollen waist is a circular rotation of the pelvis (legs on the width of the shoulders, hands on the waist). Self-massage also helps excellent. It is especially useful to stretch the collar zone and hands. Cervical osteochondrosis is the most frequent phenomenon in office employees, and computer mouse syndrome is the most popular associated disease.

#5. Exercise Your Hands.

Pull your arms forward and try to move them. The movements can be different: tightening into the cam, patting, massage.

To prevent pain in the neck and numbness in the hands – Place the chin on your hands, bent at the elbows, and push them, while trying to turn your head sideways or tilt it. Repeat 3-4 times.

To prevent pain in the area of your scapula and breast – Push the back of the chair with your waist and shoulder blades. Hold on to the chair seat and try to lift yourself up with it. Put your elbows on the table and press on it for 5-7 seconds. Repeat 3-4 times.

About the author: Astonishing writer, whose name is Melisa Marzett is ready to impress you! Just visit Resume Perk Writers and enjoy!

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